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Apps & Software
General Queries
I’m looking for a user guide for one of your apps, can you help me find it?
Which of your apps would be suitable for my child/client/patient?
Can I change the iPad settings to make it more like a dedicated communication device? Can I restrict access to the internet or unnecessary features?
Can I change the iPad settings to make it more like a dedicated communication device? Can I restrict access to the internet or unnecessary features?
I’ve just bought a new iPad/iPhone, can I transfer apps from my old device?
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Predictable iOS
Why should I use Predictable?
Which iPads/iPods/iPhones are compatible with Predictable?
My child/client/patient is bilingual, can they use Predictable in both languages?
Can I make the word prediction bar larger?
What voices are available in Predictable?
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Predictable on Android
Why should I use Predictable for Android?
How do I check if my android device will work with Predictable for Android?
What voices are available in Predictable for Android?
Can I use my own voice in Predictable for Android?
Do I need internet access to use Predictable for Android?
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Predictable on Windows
Is Predictable available on Windows?
ChatAble iOS
Why should I use ChatAble?
What voices are available in ChatAble?
What symbols are available in ChatAble?
Do I need internet access to use ChatAble?
Why can’t I backup with Dropbox anymore?
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ChatAble Android
Is there a version of ChatAble on Android?
Scene & Heard
Why should I use Scene & Heard?
What Languages can I get Scene & Heard in?
Do you have a trial version of Scene & Heard?
Do you have an Android version of Scene & Heard?
Known issues
Predictable: my app is getting slow
Predictable: Skype does not work
Predictable Android: my app crashes
Predictable: app on iOS and Android
Predictable: no image in the app
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I’m having a problem with Proloquo2Go, what should I do?
Why should I use inku?
Can I customise my app?
Can I adjust my dyslexia level?
Can I backup my notes?
How many notes can I have?
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Educational Range
Why should I use these apps?
Can I have different English accents?
How do I use Phonics Keyboard?
Colourful Semantics
How can I download Colourful Semantics app on App store?
How can I download RAPT app on App store?
Help Desk Software
by Freshdesk